Why Should You Protect Your Ideas With Copyright And Patent Laws?

Depending on the product or service, it will be convenient to protect them with copyright and patent laws. However, if you still think it is important to protect the idea or product with laws then it's necessary to analyze the competition.

Why is this prior analysis before patenting with copyright and patent law important?

For the simple reason that you could be infringing a competitor's current patent trademark and the copyright in question could be very similar to the distinctive signs of another company. Ignoring these issues could lead to future litigation.

Another doubt that arises for entrepreneurs is the advisability of registering industrial and intellectual property rights in their own name or in the name of the newly established company. The best option will depend on the specific case, but future investors will require that all industrial and intellectual property rights appear in the company's fixed assets, so that the most common thing is to register both patent trademark and copyright in the name of the incorporated company.

Make sure you provide contracts with sufficient protection so that all inventions, works, and creations achieved by any of your employees are credited to the company. Some ideas are not registrable, and therefore the entrepreneur must always run the risk of talking about his project with third parties. You can ask the patent attorney about the copyright and patent laws so that you can know more about the process.

We know that many consider the original idea to be a real treasure, but the entrepreneur must not allow that ambition to maintain impossible secrecy to end up turning against the interests of the entrepreneur himself.

Patents and utility models to protect your ideas, products, and services:

The patent and utility models are the formulae to register and protect any invention. When the invention requires special deductive effort, it is protected by means of a patent, on the other hand, when it does not require it, it is protected by means of the "utility model" registration.

There are three requirements that your inventions must meet in order to be patented by the copyright and patent laws. According to the law in force, they are the following:

  1.   The invention must be novel.
  2.   Imply an advance in science.
  3.   Have industrial application.

An invention is novel if it has never been available to the public anywhere in the world. An inventive step is something that is not obvious to others in the same field. Patents grant an exclusive right to the invention for twenty years and, in general, are not renewable while the utility rights are only for ten years.

The process to get patent rights is a long and complex one. Hence, at these times without getting confused, you can look for patent agents or attorneys. Since they are experienced and skilled in this process they will make you understand the whole process and make it easier to get the patent. 



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