What Is Patent Services And What Is It Used For?


Every businessperson knows the labor, fiscal, export legislation, etc., because their ignorance or non-compliance is detrimental to the interests of the company, but do the companies know the patent filing in US and do they invest resources in patents and other property rights? Do entrepreneurs know the advantages of industrial property?

It is true that patents have always provoked a social debate and everyone knows the questions or statements: “why is a company given a monopoly on a drug and it cannot be purchased by patients without purchasing power? Why are transgenic animals/plants patented? Why is product X so expensive? Is it because it is patented? Why patent if they are going to copy me?

Regardless of entirely legitimate ethical approaches, the truth is that there are rules of the game that must be known in order to avoid problems and exploit the rules of the game to achieve business success.

In a hypercompetitive market, it is necessary to find niche markets and competitive products to distance oneself from the competition and provide the consumer with different products with added value and at a higher price or, on the contrary, known products at a lower price.

Through R&D&I it is possible to develop new products but, in order to amortize the investments made during the development of the product, it is imperative to protect these through industrial property through a patent attorney. Likewise, knowledge of the state of the art in a given sector allows the use of non-patented technologies already in the public domain (old patents) to introduce known products onto the market, but at a lower price, without paying royalties.

It is useless to invest in the development of a product when the product cannot be marketed because it infringes third-party patents or because the advantages of the product had previously been surpassed by other technology.

The 5 main advantages of patent filing in US through a patent attorney:

1. Competitive Advantage – A patent protects its owner for a period of time, usually up to a maximum of 20 years, during which no third party may make use of the technology protected by the patent without the owner's consent.

2. It is the most effective legal protection instrument against eventual copies and plagiarism of the invention.

3. A patent is a valuable intangible asset. It is possible to obtain an economic return from patents through the sale or exploitation of licenses to third parties.

4. A patent is an instrument of advancement and technological development.  The advantages they provide are compensation for the costly process of research and technological development.

5. Temporary monopoly - As we have said, the State grants a “temporary and territorial monopoly” to encourage research and innovation. When the term of the patent filing in US expires the invention enters the public domain and can be freely used. In this sense, knowing the patent information system means that this information can be used in the implementation of new technologies by SMEs. As well as learning about emerging technologies before they appear in the press or on the Internet market and help overcome difficulties found in certain technical stages of a technology.


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