US Patent Filing Procedure | The Importance Of Having It Done With A Professional


An original idea can change the world as no one would imagine. Due to this, the intellectual and industrial patenting property is essential to guarantee the rights over it and to be able to take advantage of its benefits in the event that is successful.

However, to carry out the US patent filing procedure successfully, it is necessary to go to the right professional, that is, a patent agent or attorney. In this sense, there are many patent firms with years of experience, and a number of more than hundreds of files carried out is one of the professionals indicated for this type of procedure.

What is a patent and how is it processed?

In general terms, there are two main types of patents, which are, on the one hand, patents and inventions and, on the other, utility model patents. Both have the objective of protecting the ideas and inventions of a person, but with sub-differences - the procedure for granting the registration of a patent is long and complex, while in utility models it is simpler. 

In the case of patents, a very high level of novelty is required and, in the utility model, less novelty is required, it is enough that the invention is new in your country. In utility patent cost, everything that is new and unknown, you have an industrial application and solves problems can be patented; while only the products can be the object of a utility model. Finally, the utility patent cost is not more and the patent has a duration of 20 years, in the case of utility models, a duration of 10 years. However, these are made up of common aspects, which are a summary of the invention, a description, claims, and, if possible, a drawing of the same. To register a patent, there are severe options.

The US patent filing procedure is carried out by presenting it to the US patent and trademark office. However, if what is sought is to register a patent at an international level, the instances to which it must be presented if you want to file a patent at the European level, you will have to the European patent office; while to register one internationally, the procedure can only be done in the corresponding entity.

The granting of the patent will be complete once it has passed to substantive and formal examination phase that guarantees its viability and originality.

Importance of carrying out US patent filing procedure:

Patent processes necessary require the collaboration of a patent engineer since it is a very complex procedure. This professional is trained and qualified at a scientific and technical level to carry out this type of procedure in an appropriate manner.

To a large extent, your intervention will be what guarantees that the patent region is successful. In the right patent firm, a professional patent engineer with years of experience is characterized by offering a direct relationship with the client, a valuable technical contribution, and efficiency in the management of his client's projects.


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