All You Need To Know About Registered Patent Agent


Registered patent agent – The patent agent is defined as the person who is registered under the patent act as a patent agent. The definition under the act defines who is a patent agent. In simple words, the patent agent is someone who is a person who files the patent application. The process involved in the patent application will be taken care of by the patent agent. 

They will help in the process of preparation of the necessary documents which includes drafting, filing and prosecution of the application before the controller on behalf of the inventor who wishes to get the patent. But not anyone can carry out these tasks. Hence they should be registered as the patent agent at the Patent Office.

To reduce any complications you can also hire the services offered by the patent firm. Here you can look for a US patent attorney who will help in reducing any risks in the patent registration process. During the patent registration, you must make sure that you offer all the necessary details and other relevant particulars which are related to you. Hence the patent agent will be helpful in all these processes with you.

Is there any specification for becoming a registered patent agent?

For a person to become a registered patent agent they should meet the criteria specified under the Patent Act. For this, 

1. The individual should be a citizen of the country

2. Should have completed 21 years of age

3. Should have completed a degree in either Engineering, Science or Technology from any University established under a law of the time being in force in the country or such have any other equivalent qualifications as specified by the central government

4. The individual should have either passed the qualifying examination prescribed for the purpose.

But know that the US patent attorney needs a degree in law while the patent agent doesn’t need to have a degree in law. The role of the patent agent is different from the US patent attorney.

5. Every registered agent should practice before the controller 

6. For applying or obtaining patents in the country or elsewhere

7. Preparing the specified and other related documents for applying for the patent

8. Giving advice to the inventors about the scientific or technical nature of the patent and the validity of the patent.

9. Prepare all the documents, transact all the business and discharge any other function as prescribed under the provisions of the act.

The main restriction is that he/she shall without registering as the patent agent – that is unless he/she and partners are so registered as patent agents, cannot either alone or in a partnership with any other patent agent or person in practice or hold himself as a patent agent or permit himself to be described so. 

Hence, before hiring the patent agent makes sure that they are a registered patent agent. If you are an inventor make sure that you look for a professional and registered agent who will help you in this patent application process.

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