How does Registered Patent Agent help In Patent Search?

If you have heard about patent search services, then first you have to understand what a patent is. Patent – it’s a right that the government grants to the inventor or patent applicant since they have invented something exclusive and new. The exclusive patent rights only belong to the inventor. The right has no permission for others to make, sell, import or export the products. If your product or idea should be invented first it should be unique and satisfy the patentability criteria. If you want to know whether you can get the patent or not, you must first carry out the patent search. This will help you get an idea if you can get the patent or not. You can match and compare the patents to know whether similar patents are filed or not. But carrying it out on your own will be a tougher task. For this reason, you can choose the registered patent agent who will help you in this process. If you want you can also hire the US patent attorney along with the patent agent. Let...